By creating valuable and educational content (with your blog) and sharing it across strategic channels, we drive targeted visitors to your website. You will rarely know when someone is searching for your product or service, but with a targeted content strategy, you can ensure your brand appears in front of them on Google.
Your website is your business's only 24/7 sales rep and most likely the first impression of your brand. By crafting a simple, yet well thought out path, your website will turn into an organic sales funnel for your brand.
Every business has their own sales cycle that requires specialized lead nurturing techniques. We help facilitate and support your sales team by crafting targeted email lifecycle campaigns while tracking each lead's progress in real time.
Regular interaction with your customers is crucial for retention and brand loyalty. We have the tools to help your customers stay up to date with your brand while also providing them content that they are eager to share with their friends.
Your blog serves as the catalyst of your marketing by providing a home for all of your content to live, while social media and your presence on Google allow your content to be found by fans and prospects.
Once you've attracted a new visitor, it's time for your website to do the talking. Calls-to-action are designed to help funnel your traffic to landing pages, where the enticing offer generates you the lead (and eventually the sale!).
Website analytics allow us to determine what is working and what needs to be revisited, while sales tools such as SideKick and the HubSpot CRM allow us to track a lead through the progression from prospect through signed client.